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På grund av tekniska problem kan du inte teckna fordonsförsäkringar på vår webbplats just nu. Vi jobbar på att lösa det så fort vi kan och ber dig återkomma lite senare. Tack för ditt tålamod!

Trygg-Hansa in English

About us

Trygg-Hansa has been making a difference in individuals lives since 1928 and is since 1 June 2021 a part of Tryg, Scandinavias’s leading non-life insurance company and owner of Moderna Försäkringar. When Trygg-Hansa and Moderna Försäkringar merge, during the spring 2022, we will form Sweden’s third largest non-life insurance company.

Trygg-Hansa provides both individuals and companies with the security they need to live and act fully. We continuously work hard to avoid and prevent accidents, both in the small and large parts of our clients lives. Here you can find more information about some of our initiatives: CSR/Vårt samhällsansvar

Would you like to get in touch with us?

Claims: Open weekdays 9-15

Other customer service: Open weekdays 8–19, weekends 9-15​​

Call 0771-111 110